Jaime Nicole Salon


Jaime Nicole Pop Ups

We are always looking to collaborate with local businesses and vendors by hosting a Jaime Nicole Pop Up!

How It Works

Pick any Friday or Saturday (the best days for pop-ups) and host a pop up! You can bring your own table or use one of our tables to set up your display. You must provide us a flyer and a description of your pop-up so we can promote it on our social channels.

Our Marketing

Once booked, we will post on our IG feed and share a story post in the days leading up to your event! We will also share your pop up with our Jaime Nicole Artists and Jaime Nicole email list. With Jaime Nicole Salons foot traffic and our combined marketing we are sure your pop-up will be a success! Vendors who market their own events do best, and we will share anything you post about the event as well!

The Fee

Because of the effort we will be putting into the marketing and the value of our exposure on our social platforms, Jaime Nicole Salon charges a $50 collaboration fee.

Cancellation Policy

The fee is non-refundable but can be transferred to another date if rescheduled seven days before the scheduled event. Any cancellations outside of the seven day window are non-refundable since we have already put work into the event and given exposure to our network. We are only interested in working with established entrepreneurs who value and respect our time, efforts, and policies.

Please call the salon to book your Pop Up